In times where weak school structures are collapsing and killing pupils, a 94-year-old retired teacher, Madam Alexina Adjah Cudjoe has donated her pension benefits to JoyNews to support The Multimedia Group’s Classroom Project.
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Adjabu Advisors, evaluators of the second phase of the STAR-Ghana Programme found that the programme produced significant outcomes in five themed areas: Access and quality of public services; Economic rights and empowerment; Gender equality and social inclusion; Improved accountability and transparency; Free and peaceful elections. This was contained in the report of the evaluation of the STAR-Ghana 2 programme (2015-2020) commissioned by Christian Aid to learn from the experience and point to useful directions for the STAR-Ghana Foundation in the future.
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The Youth Parliament (YP) Project was started by Saboba Youth and was later adopted by Youth Empowerment for Life and implemented in five districts in Northern Region, namely: Saboba, Sagnarigu, Yendi, Nanumba North and South Districts. The project main goal was to ensure that there were increased effective youth and gender inclusiveness in local governing processes in the project districts.
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The Centre for Active Learning and Integrated Development (CALID) located in the Tamale Metropolis of the Northern Region is an Anti-Corruption partner working on the project “Fighting Unapproved Charges for Health Services (FUChaSS)”. Read more
Once upon a time, chiefs ruled communities in Ghana. They were the final authorities and enacted laws that governed the people. Over time, the political governance system became institutionalized taking over the traditional rule. None the less, chiefs still wield powers within the communal structures such that to ensure a sustainable social change in a community, they are consulted, and their support integrated.
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